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This print has a story, a story that is dear to my heart.


Hugh B. Brown has a message called "God is the Gardener" (p.s...if you haven't seen the YouTube video, it's worth the 5 minutes). In this message he re-counts a time while he was working as a gardener and had to prune a very overgrown currant bush. While doing so it seemed as if there were little tear drops forming on the stumps, as if the currant bush was saying, "why are you cutting me down? Especially after I have worked so hard to grow?" Hugh responded, "I am the gardener here and I know what I want you to be. But someday, when you are laden with fruit, you are going to think back and say 'thank you, Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down."


He then relates this to a time later in his life where heartache and trials came and found himself asking, "How could you do this to me, God? I was making such wonderful growth, and now you cut me down. How could you do it?" He then heard a voice, like his own saying, "I am the gardener here. I know what I want you to be. And someday, you are going to say Mr. Gardener, thank you for loving me enough to hurt me."


Well, I found myself in a similar situation earlier this year. After months of being sick that resulted in surgery to remove my colon, my husband and I found ourselves asking similar questions. "Why are you cutting us down? We were making such good progress!" Then we remembered the currant bush. And that God is the gardener and He is in control. 


So this print is for YOU. And it is for me. For times when we feel like we are being cut down, hurting, or going through a growing period. Or maybe we are past our growing period and need a way to look back on our time and remember the lessons. This painting is representative of the leaves and berries of a currant bush and serves as a reminder to us that God is in control and He is the gardener no matter the season of life!


What's Included:

  • Print of KenzieJo's original digital illustration on Fine Art Paper (3 sizes available) 
  • Each print has a "Meaning Behind the Print" included with it, making it a wonderful gift for loved ones as well!


Ships within 5-7 business days. 


  • No returns or refunds on this item. However, if you have a problem with your order please email and I will do my best to resolve the issue. 

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